Navigating the Future of Market Research: The Increasing Need for Theoretical Training in the AI Era

As the field of market research rapidly evolves with the integration of AI technologies, there emerges a pressing need for more comprehensive theoretical training. This necessity stems from the requirement to understand and critically assess the logic and methodology behind AI-driven research processes.

Karlien Kriegler

The Shift from Traditional to AI-Driven Research

In the past, market research training was largely practical, focusing on hands-on skills like conducting interviews with clipboards and paper. This foundational training, rooted in human interaction, provided a solid base for understanding the research process from problem identification to execution and analysis.

Embracing AI in Hello Ara

At Hello Ara, we've been incorporating AI into our processes from the outset. This approach allowed us to avoid the constraints of traditional methods, eliminating the need to transition from old systems or rethink established procedures. We advocate for minimal processes, utilizing AI tools at every stage, from setup to the final report.

The Need for Enhanced Cognitive Engagement

While AI tools reduce manual processing, they demand increased cognitive engagement. Setting up, training, and interpreting AI outputs requires a deep understanding of the underlying logic. Unlike human errors, which often stem from lapses in attention, AI errors typically arise from flawed logic or incomplete data interpretation. Our team, characterized by its enthusiasm and expertise, plays a crucial role in navigating these challenges.

The Proliferation of AI Tools in Market Research

The market research landscape is witnessing an explosion of AI-based tools, making it easier and more cost-effective to leverage AI. However, this abundance can be overwhelming for clients, presenting a challenge in discerning which tools are merely adequate and which are exceptional. For example, while a summary tool might process information quickly, it's essential to question whether it accurately contextualizes data or merely presents all information as equally relevant.

The Importance of AI Expertise

Having an AI expert as a co-founder has been a significant advantage, providing the expertise necessary to navigate the complexities of these tools. This insight is crucial for making informed decisions about the use of AI in market research.


As AI continues to transform market research, the importance of theoretical training cannot be overstated. Future market researchers will need to develop a deep understanding of AI methodologies to ensure that their AI 'colleagues' are not just efficient but also logically sound and contextually accurate in their analyses.

Reseacher of the future


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