Exploring Emotional Expression Through Avatars in Metaverse Qualitative Research

Innovative practices in qualitative research within the metaverse are opening new avenues for emotional expression. By inviting participants to create avatars that reflect their current mood, we gain deeper insights into their emotional states, enhancing the richness of our research.

Karlien Kriegler

Metaverse Avatar

Personal Experience with Avatar Creation

In my own experience, choosing an avatar to represent my creative mood demonstrates the flexibility and personalization offered by the metaverse. This ability to visually express one's emotional state adds a unique dimension to qualitative research.

Empowering Gender Identity Expression

A notable instance occurred last month when a participant, initially recruited as female, chose to represent themselves with a male avatar, reflecting their ongoing gender transition process. This decision was met with overwhelming support and celebration from the group, creating a moment of profound inclusivity and acceptance. This experience not only supported the respondent's journey but also highlighted the potential of avatars in facilitating personal expression and empathy.

Supporting Emotional Well-being

In the same discussion, another participant selected an avatar with a covered appearance and a hat, symbolizing her feelings of melancholy. The group's empathetic response and subsequent support visibly uplifted her spirits. By the end of the session, she felt better and more connected, having formed new friendships within the group. This interaction underscores the power of the metaverse as a supportive environment for emotional sharing and connection.


The use of avatars in metaverse qualitative research offers a profound way for participants to express and explore their emotions. These virtual representations serve as more than just digital stand-ins; they are tools for communication, empathy, and understanding, enriching the qualitative research process and fostering deeper human connections.


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